Which Mode Are You In? #BeastMode vs. #GraceMode

Did you wake up in #BeastMode as it relates to meeting your diet and fitness goals today? Beast Mode is defined as “Superhuman state of being, in which animal instinct takes over mind and body.” (Definition source from <http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Beast%20Mode&gt; ) I don’t 100% flow with the definition that the Urban Dictionary gives for this but I understand theContinue reading “Which Mode Are You In? #BeastMode vs. #GraceMode”


Happy Hump Day! It is day 2 of our 30 Day Challenge & I am so excited about it! I am looking forward to what this month is going to bring as we make healthy choices, become more active & get an adequate amount of sleep! But…. first things first! You HAVE to start thisContinue reading “Do YOU really BELIEVE that YOU CAN DO IT?”

Your Life, My Life, Our Lives MATTER!

I know this has nothing to do with diet and fitness but this post MATTERS more than any that I’ve ever posted on my blog…  ​I had to have the #BlackLivesMatter #BlueLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter conversation with my child this morning. She was shocked & saddened by the recent events that have played out in the mediaContinue reading “Your Life, My Life, Our Lives MATTER!”

Throwback Thursday – I Remember When I Was Morbidly Obese

Happy Throwback Thursday All! It’s day 8 of our October 30 day challenge!!! How did it go for you on the 1st week of this challenge? What success and challenges did you experience? I really want to hear from you so I can help support you on this journey. But first let me encourage you.Continue reading “Throwback Thursday – I Remember When I Was Morbidly Obese”

What Vision Do You Have For Your Future Self?

TGIF! Today is day 2 of our 30 day challenge and I don’t know about you but I am EXCITED about this month’s challenge! I was out on a hiatus during the month of September to recuperate from surgery that took place in my throat but I am well on my way to recovering allContinue reading “What Vision Do You Have For Your Future Self?”