Who Is Your Accountability Partner And Why Is This Critical To Your Success?!

Happy Thursday!!! It’s day 5 of our monthly Keto and exercise challenge. How are things going? In my last post I shared about the importance of setting goals for the month in case you missed it here is a link to that blog post: https://wp.me/p2EoD3-uI However today I would like to stress to you theContinue reading “Who Is Your Accountability Partner And Why Is This Critical To Your Success?!”

Set Your Goals For This Month!!! #LetsGo 🔥🔥🔥

Happy Tuesday! We are already 3 days into this month’s Keto/IF & Exercise challenge! How are things going on your end? Well today I want to encourage you to take some time to set some goals for this month. Consider getting a journal and/or a piece of paper where you can write it out. IContinue reading “Set Your Goals For This Month!!! #LetsGo 🔥🔥🔥”

Your December Eating Clean/Keto and Exercise Challenge Starts Here!!! #LetsGo

Happy Sunday and welcome to our December 2019 Eating Clean/Keto and Exercise Challenge!!! Are you ready to join me on this motivational journey to losing weight & getting healthy? If you are, weigh in TODAY and join me on this month’s keto and exercise challenge! Go to and follow my blog on my website atContinue reading “Your December Eating Clean/Keto and Exercise Challenge Starts Here!!! #LetsGo”